
Under the guidance of Prof. Claudio Manfredotti, the Solid State Physics group of the University of Torino, Physics Department,started its activity in the early 1980s in the field of amorphous (a-Si:H) and crystalline (e.g. Si, CdTe) semiconductor materials, mainly for the fabrication of solar cells and ionization radiation detectors.
In the course of these three decades, the group has gradually extended its field of interest to the study of micro/nano-structured materials and devices and to the development of new experimental techniques for the characterization and modification of advanced materials and/or art objects.
Now, the group is working on the following main research topics:

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10 september 2024


12 june 2024
The 1-year project "Smart diamONd chIp for neurosCience " (SONIC) is selected for funding by the MIUR. The project is supported within the PNRR - MNESYS program with a planned budget of 260 keuro (PI: Valentina Carabelli, co-PI: Federico Picollo).
12 june 2024
The 1-year project "new Diamond based multiaRrays for studying nEuronal homeostAsis and behavioural iMpairmEnts in autism spectrum Disorders" (DREAMED) is selected for funding by the MIUR. The project is supported within the PNRR - MNESYS program with a planned budget of 200 keuro (PI: Federico Picollo, co-PI: Valentina Carabelli).
9 january 2024
The 3-years projects "Normating colour-centre-based quantum sensing technology towards industrial application and standards" (NoQTeS) is selected for funding by the European Association of National Metrology Institutes (EURAMET). The project is supported within the "Normative" scheme of the European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research (EMPIR) with a planned budget of 1.2 M€ (local coordinator: Federico Picollo).