10 september 2024
On the occasion of the PhD thesis defense of Andrea Alessio, Prof. Marco Truccato organizes a mini-workshop entitled "Synchrotron-based material characterization and modification". |
12 june 2024
The 1-year project "Smart diamONd chIp for neurosCience " (SONIC) is selected for funding by the MIUR. The project is supported within the PNRR - MNESYS program with a planned budget of 260 keuro (PI: Valentina Carabelli, co-PI: Federico Picollo). |
12 june 2024
The 1-year project "new Diamond based multiaRrays for studying nEuronal homeostAsis and behavioural iMpairmEnts in autism spectrum Disorders" (DREAMED) is selected for funding by the MIUR. The project is supported within the PNRR - MNESYS program with a planned budget of 200 keuro (PI: Federico Picollo, co-PI: Valentina Carabelli). |
9 january 2024
The 3-years projects "Normating colour-centre-based quantum sensing technology towards industrial application and standards" (NoQTeS) is selected for funding by the European Association of National Metrology Institutes (EURAMET). The project is supported within the "Normative" scheme of the European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research (EMPIR) with a planned budget of 1.2 M€ (local coordinator: Federico Picollo). |
22 december 2023
The 2-years research project "Superconduttività a Temperatura e Pressione Ambiente " (SaTePA) is selected for funding by the CRT foundation, under the the coordination of Marco Truccato The project also relies on a contribution by the Italian National Metrological Institute (INRiM) and on the use of the ion implanter at the Physics Dept. of UniTo. |
29 november 2023
The 2 years project "Au-functionalized nanodiamonds as simultaneous ROS quantum sensors and Radiosensitizing Agents" (AURORA) coordinated by Pietro Apra' is selected for funding in the framework of the "INFN - Young Researchers Grant" scheme, with a budget of 136 keuro. |
10 november 2023
The 2-years research project "Opto-mechanical effects in spin-defects for quantum technologies" is funded by the Italian Ministry for University and Research in the framework of the PRIN 2022 PNRR call. The project will involve the work of the University of Torino (local coordinator: Jacopo Forneris), and University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (PI: Marco Govoni) with a total budget of 230 keuro. |
29-30 september 2023
On the 29th and 30th of September, our group participated in the activities organized by the University in the framework of the European Researchers' Night. Thanks to talks and stand demonstrations, the general public was able to discover how physical techniques can be used to study ancient and artistic materials from our Cultural Heritage. |
11-19 september 2023
Our research group actively collaborates to the organization of the "Quantum2023" conference ("From Foundations of Quantum Mechanics to Quantum Information and Quantum Metrology & Sensing"), held at the Physics Department of the University of Torino. The conference includes a broad spectrum of contributions on diamond-based quantum technologies from internationally recognized speakers. |
1 september 2023
Our research group is the national contact point (local coordinator: F. Picollo) in the coordinated research project F11024 "In Vitro Real-Time Monitoring of Cellular Activity During Ionizing Radiation Exposure" supported by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The international project involves 11 countries and aims at developing novel accelerator-based techniques for sub-cellular imaging and biological cell irradiation techniques in order to advance knowledge and capabilities in understanding how biological cells respond to radiation towards more efficient and tailored particle therapy. |
11-13 june 2023
Our research group is organizing the NIS colloquium
07-09 june 2023
Our research group actively collaborates to the organization of the INFN-CSN4&CSN5 Workshop on Quantum Technologies, held at the "ToExpo" premises of the University of Torino. The workshop aims at facilitating the synergies and collaboration between experimental and theoretical researchers on quantum science and technology. |
19 may 2023
Our research group actively collaborates to the organization of the NIS Colloquium "Electron spin for quantum technologies: from molecules to devices" organized within the NIS inter-departmental centre. The workshop will bring together national and international researchers working on spin-based quantum technologies, from different perspectives ranging from chemistry to physics and materials science. |
4 May 2023 | |
Alessandro Re has been re-elected in the executive board of AIAr, the Italian Archaeometric Society . AIAr is the main Italian association of scholars and researchers working in the field of scientific applications to Cultural Heritage. |
8 march 2023
Paolo Olivero delivers with Dr. Marco Genovese the seminar "Quantum information and quantum entanglement" at the Academy of Sciences of Torino, in the framework of the "Where is Science heading to?". |
13 january 2023
Sofia Sturari thesis entitled "Controlled hydrogenation and oxidation of nanodiamonds: study of the interaction with water" has been assessed as the best Material Science master thesis for the academic year 2019-2020 and Sofia has been awarded the silver medal of the University of Torino. |
7 october 2022
BeArchaeo Project: Inauguration of the exposition in Izumo (Japan). Ribbon Cutting Cerimony (Prof Baricco for the BeArchaeo project), the delegation of the Solid State Physics Group of UniTo at the inauguration (A. Lo Giudice , A. Re and M. Margalini). |
4 october 2022
On 4 October 2022, Dr. Fabio SCAFFIDI MUTA successfully defended his PhD thesis in Chemical and Material Science, XXXIV Cycle, entitled "Use of polarized light for the assessment of new generation display" Supervisor: Prof. Ettore Vittone, co-Supervisor: Dr. Nello Li Pira (CRF) |
May 2022
Members of our research group (Pietro Aprà and Federico Picollo) erve as guest editor for the special issue of Biosensors journal (IF 5.5) entitled: "Diamond Technology for Biosensing and Quantum Sensing". This special issue aims to collect state-of-the-art contributions regarding the use of diamonds in the bio-sensing and in quantum technology fields. The deadline for the contribution submission is 28/02/2023: please contact the guest editors for further information. |
24-26 May 2022
Our research group actively collaborates to the organization of the online workshop "Quantum Lectures 2022 (ad memoriam or Carlo Novero)" organized by the Quantum Optics research group of the National Institute of Metrologic Research. The workshop will consist of a short series of keynote lectures given by distinguished researchers in the Quantum Foundations, Information and Metrology & Sensing fields. |
28 March 2022
In the framework of the "World Quantum Day" and the "Italian Quantum Weeks" initatives, our group co-organizes a "Quantum Night" in Torino. The vent will take place at RKH Studio (via Carlo Allioni 3, Torino) from 8:00pm, and it will include a divulgative scientific talk with Paolo Olivero, refreshments and a DJ set. The attendance is limited: please book at this link. |
22 February 2022
The "Fai Brillare la Ricerca" ("Make Research Shine") project is successfully funded within the "Funds TOgether" crowdfunding program of the University of Torino (promoters: P. Aprà and F. Picollo), with a budget of 15'820 € (i.e. 316% of the original request). |
22 February 2022
The 2 years project "advanced ion iRradiatiOn strategies for the engineering of qUantum-liGht Emitters in solid-state" (ROUGE) coordinated by Sviatoslav Ditalia Tchernij is selected for funding in the framework of the "INFN - Young Researchers Grant" scheme, with a budget of 125 k€. |
4 February 2022
The 1-year pilot experiment “GeVIonQ - GeV color centers by Ion implantation for Quantum applications”, co-proposed by Damiano Giubertoni (Fondazione Bruno Kessler) and Jacopo Forneris has been selected by the Q@TN Center, Quantum Science and Technology Center in Trento. The experiment will involve a partnership between researchers at the University of Torino, INFN Torino and the Fondazione Bruno Kessler. |
29 January 2022
Members of our group contributed to the success of the event "Arte e(') Scienza 2021", organized by AIAr (Associazione Italiana di Archeometria) and held at Centro Conservazione e Restauro "La Venaria Reale". Over 50 participants had the possibility to visit the restoration and scientific laboratories of the CCR, where the conservation scientists shared their expertise on scientific methods applied to the study, conservation and valorization of Cultural Heritage. |
20 January 2022
The 2-years projects 1) “Deterministic fabrication of Fock state sources” coordinated by Jacopo Forneris with a budget of 100 k€, 2) "High-flux density X-ray technologies" coordinated by Marco Truccato with a budget of 58 k€, have been selected for funding by the University of Torino, in the framework of the call "Finanziamento ex-post di progetti di ricerca di Ateneo - Anno 2020" , supported by the "Compagnia di San Paolo" foundation. |
January 2022 | |
The "Silver Medail" prize for the best master thesis in Physics has been awarded to Andrea Alessio for his thesis entitled "SFabrication of stacks of intrinsic Josephson junctions from Bi-2212 microcrystals" (tutor: M. Truccato). |
12 December 2021
Our "Fai Brillare la Ricerca" ("Make Research Shine") project is selected within the "Funds TOgether" crowdfunding program of the University of Torino. For more information on the project and how to support it with a donation, please see this video and visit this link. |
01 November 2021
Our group contributes to Festival della Scienza 2021 with the event "Una TAC per mappare le opere d'arte". Alessandro Re and Laura Guidorzi, together with colleagues Alessandra Patera (INFN) and Chiara Ricci (CCR "La Venaria Reale"), will present an overview of the applications of Computed Tomography (CT) to cultural heritage, from the state of the art to future perspectives." |
04-07May 2021 | |
Our research group actively collaborates to the organization of the online training workshop "IAEA Training Workshop on Ion beam Driven Materials Engineering: New Roles for Accelerators in Quantum Technologies" organized by the International Agency for Atomic Energy. This training workshop is one of the outputs of the IAEA F11020 Coordinated Research Project "Ion beam induced spatio-temporal structural evolution of materials: Accelerators for a new technology era" in which the group is actively involved. |
15 February 2021 |
The Tech4Culture PhD students of our group contributed to the Frida
scientific dissemination portal of the University of Torino in the framework of the reading proposal
"In quel paese che ti somiglia tanto"
In each contribution the PhD students write about his/her research project:
27 November 2020 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Our group participates in the European Researchers' Night (Sharper)! Alessandro Re and Alessandro Lo Giudice are part of the 4D GRAPH-X, a INFN-CSN5 grant for young researchers leaded by Alessandra Patera. The project is presented in the event La vita è piena di contrasti: nei raggi X ci sono quelli...di fase" : disover how to realize a phase-contrast imaging instrument based on a conventional X-ray tube. |
25 November 2020 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The 2-years research project "Intelligent fabrication of QUANTum devices in DIAmond by Laser and Ion Irradiation (QuantDia)" is funded by the National Ministry for Education, University and Research in the framework of the FISR 2019 call. With a total budget of 1 M€, our research group will collaborate with the Institute for Photonics and Nanotechnologies of the National Research Council on the development of advanced ion- and laser-beam based techniques for the creation of innovative quantum sensors in artificial diamond. |
24 October 2020 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Best Conference Presentation Award at the 2020 IMEKO TC-4 International Conference on Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage (22-24 October 2020, virtual conference) has been attributed to Luisa Vigorelli for her contribution entitled "Upgrade of the x-ray imaging set-up at CCR "La Venaria Reale": the case study of an Egyptian wooden statuette" |
12 October 2020 | |
Master graduate Giulia Peroni is awarded the "Anna Piccotti" prize for the 2019 by the National Institute of Nuclear Physics, Turin section, for her Master's Degree thesis "Applications of artificial diamond-based biosensors for radiobiological experiments" (tutor: F. Picollo). |
1 October 2020 | |
The 4-years research project "Training on LASer fabrication and ION implantation of DEFects as quantum emitters (LasIonDef)" starts with the support of the European Research Council in the framework of the "Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks" program. The project has a total budget of 3.2 M€ and will train 13 Early Stage Researchers on ion implantation and femtosecond laser writing to fabricate quantum-photonic and bio-sensing devices. |
14 September / 09 October 2020 | |
In the framework of the Next-Land project , Alessandro Lo Giudice, Alessandro Re, Giusi Sorrentino and Luisa Vigorelli together with the Italian Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) and Museo d'Arte Orientale (MAO), organized the laboratory "Nulla e' come sembra nemmeno i colori", to introduce STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) to middle school students. |
22 September 2020 | |
The research project - QUANTEP - QUANtum Technologies Experimental Platform - has been selected for funding by the Italian Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) in the framework of a selected Call on Quantum Technologies. QUANTEP will involve the work of the INFN Sections of Torino, Roma Tor Vergata, Legnaro, Milano, Perugia, Pisa, Pavia, and Salerno. The project will have a duration of 3 years and a planned budget of 1 Meuro. |
7 September 2020 | |
The 2-years research project "Study of the bio-physical effects at cellular level induced by X-ray radiation" (BiophysiX) is selected for funding by the CRT foundation with a planned budget of 45 k€, under the the coordination of Federico Picollo |
24 September 2020 | |
The 3-years project "RESOLVE - high dose-rate and spatially resolved X-Ray EffectS On LiVing cElls" coordinated by Federico Picollo is selected by the he Italian Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) for funding with a budget of 160 keuro. |
24 July 2020 | |
Alessandro Re has been elected in the executive board of AIAr, the Italian Archaeometric Society . AIAr is the main Italian association of scholars and researchers working in the field of scientific applications to Cultural Heritage. |
21 May 2020 |
Paolo Olivero contributes to the Frida scientific dissemination portal of the University of Torino with a joint interview entitled "When God plays dice - The intrinsic indetermination of matter". The interview is part of a series of scientific conversations entitled "Uncertain steps, possible futures", that aims at helping the general public to grasp from different points of view the concept of uncertainty, in light of the current covid-19 contingency. |
19 May 2020 |
Our group's contribution to European project "SIQUST" (in particular, articles "Single-photon emitters in lead-implanted single-crystal diamond", "Quantum nanophotonics with group IV defects in diamond" and "Quantum micro-nano devices fabricated in diamond by femtosecond laser and ion irradiation") is highlighted on the project's webpage. |
5 May 2020 | |
PhD graduate and post-doctoral fellow Sviatoslav Ditalia Tchernij is awarded the "Resmini" prize by the 5th Commission of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics for his PhD dissertation "Use of energetic ion beams for the engineering and control of quantum-optical emitters and sensors in artificial diamond" (tutor: P. Olivero, co-tutor: J. Forneris). INFN PREMIA GIOVANI FISICI PER LE MIGLIORI TESI DI DOTTORATO |
20 January 2020 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Our research group actively collaborates to the organization of the workshop "Quantum Technologies within INFN: status and perspectives", held at the University of Padova.
The goal of the meeting is to explore possible collaborations within INFN groups and among INFN and other communities, to enable advancements in knowledge in the field of quantum technologies.
17 January 2020 | |
The "Silver Medail" prize for the best master thesis in Physics has been awarded to Pietro Apra' for his thesis entitled "Sviluppo e caratterizzazione di nanodiamanti fotoluminescenti per applicazioni nel drug delivery" (tutor: F. Picollo). Pietro Aprà |
9 October 2019 | |
23 September 2019 | |
| Our rector (Prof. G. Ajani) and the ITT Italia Chief Innovation Officer (Ing. L.Martinotto) have signed the agreement for the launch of a new Joint Lab between the University of Torino and ITT Italia has. The collaboration is aimed to study and develop new braking systems and our group is involved in tribological studies of brake pads. Simone Balestra, Federico Bosia and Gianluca Costigliola are the main actors in this collaboration. |
18 September 2019 | |
| P. Olivero delivers an invited report entitled "Applied nuclear science for new-generation single-photon sources: towards safer global communication with quantum cryptography" at the 63rd General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), in the framework of the side event "Building Quantum Technology with Ion Beam Accelerators". More information can be found at this IAEA press release or in this brochure of the event. |
28-29 June 2019 |
F. Picollo
actively collaborates to the organization of the NIS Colloquium "Ion Channels in Cell Physiology and Disease - New perspectives and biosensor-based approach". The workshop features a broad perspective on innovative cellular biosensors, including diamond-based devices.
12 June 2019
Our article
"Quantum micro-nano devices fabricated in diamond by femtosecond laser and ion irradiation"
is reported on the back cover of vol. 2 issue 5-6 of the journal "Advanced Quantum Technologies".
29 May 2019
P. Olivero participates to the divulgative event
"From the spooky world of quanta to quantum technologies: towards quantum metrology" organized by the Academy of Sciences of Torino in conjunction with the
"Quantum2019" conference. |
26 May - 01 June 2019
Our research group actively collaborates to the organization of the
"Quantum2019" conference
("From Foundations of Quantum Mechanics to Quantum Information and Quantum Metrology & Sensing"),
which will be held from the 26th of May to the 1st of June 2019 at the "Cavallerizza Reale"
complex of the University of Torino. In particular, the conference will include a broad spectrum of
contributions on diamond-based quantum technologies from internationally recognized speakers.
20-22 May 2019
In the best pubs of Torino
- Pint of Science 2019 @ Torino,
with selected talks on the following topics: "Atoms to Galaxies", "Beautiful Mind" and "Tech Me Out"
(featuring a talk on diamond-based quantum sensors by Jacopo Forneris). |
1 - 3 April 2019
Our research group actively collaborates to the organization of the
"Ion Beams for Future Technologies 2019" workshop,
which will be held at the "Dubrovnik International University Center (HR).
The workshop is aimed discuss new applications of focused ion beams or single ion irradiation, which could play a crucial role
in emerging future technologies. It is expected that the workshop could result in new collaborations and new project proposals,
including those within the scope of European Union research funding possibilities.
07 January 2019
20 December 2018
The 2-years project
"Finanziamento ex-post di progetti di ricerca di Ateneo - Anno 2018" coordinated by Paolo Olivero is selected by the University of Torino
for funding with a budget of 54.04 keuro, supported by the "Compagnia di San Paolo" foundation.
19 December 2018
1 December 2017
Dr. Federico Picollo
has been appointed Fixed-term contract researcher (Ricercatore a Tempo Determinato di tipo A) at the
Physics Department of the University of Torino
22 November 2017
28 September 2017
The Ministries of Science at Torino at the G7 meeting held in Torino on 27-28 september 2017,
visited the Centro Conservazione e Restauro (CCR)) “La Venaria Reale”, where the
physics for cultural heritage component of the
solid state physics group of the Physics Department of University of Turin,
has contributed to design, realize and install the
“Digital Radiography (DR) and X-ray computed tomography (CT)
on artworks of large dimensions”.
In the Photo, Alessandro Re with Valeria Fedeli, the italian minister of Education, University and Research,
and GianMaria Ajani, Rector of the University of Torino and Marco Nervo of the CCR is presenting the facility.
13 September 2017
The article "Photo-physical properties of He-related color centers in diamond"
is selected as an APL Editor's Pick.
It was highlighted on the journal homepage the week of Sep 13 2017
28 July 2017
The 18-months project "New Micro-Radiobiology Devices for aeroSpace (MiRaDS)" starts under the coordination of
Paolo Olivero with a budget of 55,000 € funded by the
CRT Foundation.
14 July 2017
Opening of the Solid State Physics Laboratory |
15-17 May 2017
Pint of Science 2017 @ Torino, with a talk of Alessandro Re "Alla Scoperta di Antiche Civiltà impiegando le tecniche della Fisica Nucleare".
07-03 May 2017
The Solid State Physics Group participates to the organization of the conference
"From Foundations of Quantum Mechanics to Quantum Information and Quantum Metrology & Sensing"
which will be held at the Rectorate of the University of Torino.
The purpose of Quantum2017 is to favour the exchange of ideas and discussion on last results among leading physicists
working in the interconnected fields of Quantum Metrology - Sensing & Imaging, Quantum Information and Foundations of
Quantum Mechanics, in particular in the framework of quantum optics.
06-07 April 2017 |
03 March 2017 |
Interview of Ettore Vittone on the outcomes of the IAEA Coordinated Research Project "Utilization of Ion Accelerators for Studying and Modelling of Radiation Induced Defects in Semiconductors and Insulators" appears in the News of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) web site. |
01 March 2017
On 01 March 2017, Dr. Mattia Gentile has successfully defended his PhD thesis on Chemical and Material Sciences XXIX Cycle, entitled "Metallization process development and laser annealing process control for high power silicon devices." Supervisor: Prof. Ettore Vittone Examiners: Prof. Andrea Irace (UniNa), Prof. Carlo Ricciardi (PoliTo). |
03 January 2017
A report on the Research Platform of the University of Torino (Frida) summarizes the main outcomes of the "Advanced Diamond-based Nano technologies" (A.Di.N-Tech.) project funded from 2013 to 2015 in the framework of the
"University Research Projects - Junior PI Grants" program and coordinated by P. Olivero.
23 December 2016
Dr. Alessandro Re has been appointed Fixed-term contract researcher (Ricercatore a Tempo Determinato di tipo A) at the
Physics Department of the University of Torino
16 December 2016
Group members (Federico Bosia, Gianluca Costagliola, Anastasiia Krushynska, Lucas Brely) involved in new
COST Initiative "European Network of Bioadhesion Expertise"
3 December 2016
Alessandro Re, Alessandro Lo Giudice, Debora Angelici, Fulvio Fantino
contributed to set the exhibition
"Scienziati al MAO casi di studio – tecniche – strumenti".
Press Release
1 December 2016
Dr. Alessandro Lo Giudice has been appointed Associate Professor of Applied Physics in the
Physics Department of the University of Torino
30 September 2016
The two-years project "Diamond based detector for in vitro cellular radiobiology (DIACELL)" starts under
the coordination of Federico Picollo and
Paolo Olivero
with a budget of 80,000 € funded by the
5th National Commission
of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN).
24 August 2016
Recent study by group members on mechanical metamaterials as seismic shields is highlighted in
La Stampa/Origami,
Latest Science Web News,
phys.org and
ScienceDaily websites,
and on spider-web inspired metamaterials on
03 August 2016
The "Sergio Panizza" prize, devoted to young researchers with distinguished contributions in Optoelectronics and Photonics
will be awarded to Dr. Jacopo Forneris for "his experimental innovative contributions to optoelectronics and photonics based on diamond".
Dr. Jacopo Forneris has been awarded at the 102° Congress of the Italian Physics Society in Padova, next september 26th, 2016.
23-27 May 2016
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Technical Meeting
"Ion Beam-Induced Spatio-Temporal Structural Evolution of Matter: Towards New Quantum Technologies"
23-25 May 2016
Pint of Science 2016 @ Torino, with selected talks on the following topics: "Atoms to Galaxies", "Beautiful Mind" and "Tech Me Out" (featuring a talk by Federico Picollo)
01 Jan 2016
The two-years project
"Electrically controlled diamond-based single-photon sources"
starts under the coordination of Jacopo Forneris
with a budget of 120,000 € funded by the
5th National Commission
of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics.
21-25 settembre 2015
Dr. Jacopo Corsi has been awarded a Travel Grant by the International Numismatic Council to attend the XV International Numismatic Congress in Taormina
(September, 21-25). Dr. Corsi will show, in two presentations, results from his PhD research and from the project "Ancient silver coinages between the Po and Rhone rivers".
21-25 settembre 2015
Museo del Mare, Napoli
"Indagini Scientifiche in campo Archeologico; dal campionamento in situ al laboratorio" Il Workshop si pone come obiettivo quello di fornire ai partecipanti gli strumenti necessari per poter valutare, a seconda delle diverse problematiche che possono presentarsi nell’ambito di un sito archeologico (e non solo), quali sono le tecniche di datazione più adatte, le metodologie che meglio si prestano a caratterizzare i diversi materiali costituenti i reperti e le problematiche legate alla loro conservazione, nonché gli studi per risalire a preziose informazioni per ricostruire gli stili di vita delle antiche civiltà. |
9 giugno 2015
Aula Magna del Rettorato, via G. Verdi 17, h. 14.15
"Venti anni del Corso di Laurea in Scienza dei Materiali all’Università di Torino" |
27 April 2015
Among the awards conferred by the Italian President Sergio Mattarella in the Quirinale Palace in Rome, during the Italian Quality Day and the Leonardo Prizes Awarding Ceremony 2014,
the Linda Cena” 2014 graduation award, founded by Bracco Foundation, has been assigned to
Dr. Novella Coviello for her thesis entitled: “X-ray Computed Tomography: an image processing technique for the study of Cultural Heritage”
(supervisor: Alessandro Re, co-supervisor: S. De Blasi - CCR "La Venaria Reale")
10 April 2015
PhD graduate and former post-doc Daniele Gatto Monticone is awarded the "Resmini" prize by the 5th Commission of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics for his PhD dissertation "Creation and characterization of luminescent centres in diamond for applications as single photon emitters" (Supervisor: E. Vittone, tutors: P. Olivero, G. Amato, M. Genovese).
20 March 2015
On 20 march 2015, at the AIAr (Associazione Italiana di Archeometria) conference in Palermo, Alessandro Re was awarded of the "Salvatore Improta prize 2014" dedicated to young researchers active in Archaeometry. |
17 Febbraio 2015
Il 17 Febbraio 2015, la Dott.ssa Debora Angelici ha difeso con successo la tesi di dottorato in Scienze della Terra dal titolo Aula Ruffini, Earth Science Department, Via Valperga Caluso 35 - Torino, Petrographic and minero-chemical characterisation of lapis lazuli: a provenance study of rocks and artefacts from Cultural Heritages Tutor: Prof. Alessandro Borghi Co-Tutors: Dr. Alessandro Lo Giudice - Dr. Gloria Vaggelli |
10 Febbraio 2015
Il 10 Febbraio 2015, il dott. Alessandro Pagliero ha difeso con successo la tesi di dottorato in Scienze Chimiche e dei Materiali
dal titolo |
26 Gennaio 2015
Il 26 Gennaio 2015, il dott. Jacopo Corsi ha difeso con successo la tesi di dottorato in Scienze Chimiche e dei Materiali
dal titolo |
Arte è Scienza
Palazzo Madama - Museo Civico di Arte Antica ORGANIZZATORI: Alessandro Re, Silvia Allegretti, Alessandro Lo Giudice, Jacopo Corsi, Debora Angelici, Fulvio Fantino
Gli investigatori dell'arte e dell'archeologia
Aula Magna, Palazzo del Rettorato
Università degli Studi di Torino - Via Verdi, 8
MODERATORI: Alessandro Re, Silvia Allegretti, Debora Angelici e Jacopo Corsi
2nd workshop "Diamond & New Technologies"
Technological Applications of Artificial Diamond
"Creation and characterization of luminescent centres in diamond for applications as single photon emitters" Tutor: prof. Ettore Vittone, Co-tutor: dott. Paolo Olivero, Giampiero Amato, Marco Genovese
Alessandro Re e Fulvio Fantino del gruppo di Fisica dello Stato Solido e dello spin-off TecnArt, ha partecipato ad una missione scientifica in Myanmar nell'ambito di una collaborazione internazionale Italia-Myanmar riguardante i beni culturali iniziata nel 2011. Tra agli obiettivi della missione, quello di instaurare rapporti fra docenti e studenti delle due nazioni per completare un centro per la datazione mediante termoluminescenza a Yangon. Tale centro verrà utilizzato per datare materiale da siti archeologici quali Sri-Ksetra. |
Seminario di Formazione
Centro Conservazione e Restauro La Venaria Reale, Via XX Settembre, 18, Venaria Reale (Torino)"Prospettive nel campo dell'archeometria e della diagnostica sui beni culturali"
NIS colloquium "Superconducting micro and nanostructures: growth, properties and applications"
NIS-Centro per l'Innovazione dell'Università di Torino, via G. Quarello 15, Torino
IBATO6 - NIS Colloquium
Advanced Applications in Scanning Probe Microscopy
Jacopo Forneris submitting the paper "A Monte Carlo software for the 1-dimensional simulation of IBIC experiments" has been awarded with the Elsevier "Young Researcher for Best Manuscript" prize at the 2013 IBA Conference.
Giovedì 27 giugno 2013 alle ore 11.00, presso l'Aula Magna del Rettorato dell'Università di Torino, si è tenuta la Cerimonia di consegna dei premi per le migliori tesi di laurea dell'A.A. 2010/2011 per le Facoltà Scientifiche. La commissione giudicatrica ha attribuito tale riconoscimento al Dott. Luca Croin per la tesi dal titolo "Deposizione di grafene su larga area su substrati di rame", svolta presso il Quatum Research Laboratory dell'INRiM (co-rel. G. Amato, rel. E. Vittone).
Il gruppo di Fisica dello Stato Solido rappresenterà il Dipartimento di Fisica all'evento " DNA Italia: incontrare la filiera della cultura" il 18 e 19 aprile 2013 presso Lingotto Fiere, a Torino. Il gruppo parteciperà sia con la presenza nello stand allestito dall'Università, sia con un contributo orale nella sessione di presentazione dei progetti di ricerca dei dipartimenti.
7 Marzo 2013
il 7 marzo 2013, i Dott. Jacopo Forneris e Marco Piazzi hanno difeso con successo la tesi di dottorato in Fisica dal titolo | 22 January , 2013
il 22 Gennaio 2013, il Dott. Alfio Battiato ha difeso con successo la tesi di dottorato in Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali e dei Nanosistemi dal titolo |
Aula Magna, Dipartimento di Fisica, via P. Giuria 1, Torino
IBATO5 - NIS Colloquium
Nanostructured Antibacterial Coatings
A NIS colloquium on spectroscopic ellipsometry, with: Tutorials on fundamental principles and experimental procedures of the technique Practical demonstration session with state of the art instrumentation at NIS Case studies of ellipsometric characterization of advanced materials and devices
La comunicazione del Dr. Federico Picollo al Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Fisica di Napoli dal titolo "Amperometric detection of quantal catecholamine secretion from individual cells by an ion beam microfabricated single crystalline diamond biosensor." è stata segnalata dal Comitato Scientifico del Congresso come la prima migliore comunicazione della Sezione 4b - Biofisica e fisica medica.
Nasce TecnArt
ll 26 Giugno 2012 è stato fondato lo spin-off accademico TecnArt SRL. Lo spin-off, nato direttamente dalla linea di ricerca dedicata ai beni culturali del gruppo di Fisica dello Stato Solido, si prefigge di affrontare con un approccio multidisciplinare lo studio dei beni culturali, grazie a collaborazioni con altri Dipartimenti dell’Università di Torino. Il fine è dunque soddisfare al meglio le esigenze di Musei, Soprintendenze, Istituti di ricerca, Antiquari, Case d’asta e di tutti i soggetti interessati alla diagnostica applicata all’arte.
TecnArt is born
On June the 26th, 2012, the academic spin off TecnArt SRL has been founded. The mission of TecnArt, directly born from the research line devoted to the cultural heritage of the Solid State Physics group, is to approach the study of cultural heritage in a multidisciplinary way, through the cooperation with other Departments of the University of Turin. So, the goal is to fulfill the needs of museums, ministries, research institutes, Antiques, Auction houses and all other subjects interested in diagnostics applied to art.
Federico Picollo ha difeso con successo la tesi di dottorato in Scienze dei Materiali dal titolo
"Single crystal diamond micro-fabrication by means of ion beams"
Gli interventi di alcuni dei ricercatori che hanno interagito e collaborato con lui nel corso della sua lunga carriera consentiranno di ripercorrere 40 anni di Fisica dello Stato Solido all'Università di Torino.
Il programma del workshop può essere scaricato da qui.
14 Novembre 2011
I contributi di diversi gruppi di ricerca impegnati su questa tematica copriranno gli aspetti principali dell'interazione di fasci ionici con il diamante: dallo studio degli effetti di questa interazione - la modificazione del diamante su scala micrometrica, e la sua caratterizzazione successiva - alle possibili e potenziali applicazioni tecnologiche del diamante sintetico in questo ambito.
Il programma del workshop, completo degli abstract dei contributi, può essere scaricato qui.
2 Novembre 2011
M. Bruna, B. Massessi, C. Cassiago, A. Battiato, E. Vittone, G. Speranza, S. Borini, Synthesis and properties of monolayer graphene oxyfluoride DOI: 10.1039/c1jm13729h
26 Settembre 2011
Il 21 settembre 2011 il Ministero dell'Istruzione, Università e Ricerca ha reso noti i progetti vincitori del bando "FIRB – Futuro in Ricerca 2010".
Il progetto "Sviluppo di tecniche di microfabbricazione del diamante per applicazioni nella bio-sensoristica e nella fotonica", coordinato dal dott. Paolo Olivero del Gruppo di Fisica dello Stato Solido, è risultato tra i vincitori con massima valutazione (75/75).
Il progetto - quadriennale - mira a sviluppare tecniche litografiche basate sull'utilizzo di fasci ionici per la microfabbricazione di bio-sensori cellulari e emettitori di singolo fotone in diamante. Lo svolgimento del progetto prevede la collaborazione tra le unità operative "Università di Torino" (coordinata dal dott. Olivero) e "Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica" (coordinata dal dott. Ivo Pietro Degiovanni), per un budget complessivo di 1,064,000 €.
Giugno 2011
La Dott.ssa Valeria Moi, dopo aver conseguito la Laurea Specialistica in Scienze dei Materiali nel dicembre 2010 discutendo la tesi "Sviluppo di tecniche di rimozione selettiva per la microfabbricazione del diamante" svolta presso il gruppo di Fisica dello Stato Solido, è risultata vincitrice della borsa di studio dell'Accademia delle Scienze di Torino intitolata alla memoria della Prof.ssa Angiola Agostinelli Gili, con il progetto di ricerca "Sviluppo di tecniche di fabbricazione di dispositivi microfluidici in diamante artificiale" (supervisore: Prof. E. Vittone). La borsa è conferita annualmente ad una neolaureata magistrale della Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturali dell'Università di Torino.
Alessandro Re ha difeso con successo la tesi di dottorato in Fisica
"Ion and electron microscopy for the characterization of materials of archaeological, historical and artistic interest: determination of the provenance of lapis lazuli used for glyptic"
Marco De La Pierre ha difeso con successo la tesi di dottorato in Scienza dei Materiali dal titolo
"Ab initio quantum mechanical simulation as a complementary tool for the
characterization of diamond, olivines and garnets"
14 Gennaio 2010
Hanno conseguito il titolo di dottore di ricerca in Scienza dei Materiali:
Oksana Budnyk, difendendo con successo la tesi dal titolo: "Investigation of diamond
as a platform for biointerfaces and biosensors"
Silvia Calusi, difendendo con successo la tesi dal titolo: "Set up and applications of
microanalysis techniques on materials of technological and cultural heritage
interest by using external microbeams of few MeV energy
Mohammad Mizanur Rahman Khan, difendendo con successo la tesi dal titolo: "Synthesis,
Characterization and Growth mechanism study of high Tc- superconducting whiskers"
Lunedì 28 settembre 2009, Alessandro
Re, dottorando nel gruppo di Fisica dello Stato Solido, in occasione del XCV Congresso
Nazionale della Società Italiana di Fisica, riceverà il Premio per giovani
laureati intitolato alla memoria del Prof. Carlo Castagnoli. Il premio è
indirizzato a neolaureati in Fisica che si siano particolarmente distinti nel
loro lavoro di Tesi di Laurea e nel Curriculum di studi, e consiste in un
premio di 1000 euro. Alessandro si è laureato presso l'Università di Torino nel
luglio 2007 con la votazione di "110/110 Lode e Menzione Onorevole",
presentando la Tesi intitolata "Caratterizzazione e datazione di materiali di
interesse archeologico per mezzo di misure di termoluminescenza e radioattività
ambientale: messa a punto della strumentazione e primi risultati", relatore il
Dr. Alessandro Lo Giudice, e sta proseguendo nel corso del triennio di
Dottorato l'attività nel campo della fisica applicata ai beni
Modification by Ion Beams |
Novembre 2008
Elisabetta Colombo ha conseguito il titolo di dottore di
ricerca in Scienza dei Materiali difendendo con successo la tesi dal titolo:
"Development of Ion Beam Analysis techniques for material characterization".
to thin film photovoltaics |
Paolo Olivero ha vinto un "Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei-Compagnia di San Paolo Grant" nel campo delle nanotecnologie.
Micaela Castellino ha conseguito il titolo di dottore di
ricerca in Fisica difendendo la tesi dal titolo:
"Study and characterization of diamond surface for biosensoring applications".
Yiuri Garino ha vinto una borsa post-doc presso il National Institute for Material Science, Tsukuba (J) Optical Sensor Group, Namiki site.
Yiuri Garino e Roberto Cossio hanno conseguito il titolo di dottori di ricerca in Fisica
difendendo le seguenti tesi:
Yiuri Garino: "Characterization and device properties of single crystal
and polycrystalline diamond"
Roberto Cossio: "Low temperature cathodoluminescence spectroscopy of
wide band-gap materials".
Selezione per il conferimento di 1 assegno di ricerca (sel. n.
Scadenza: 10.07.2004 ; Bando e moduli;
Concorso per borsa di studio COREP
Sono disponibili tesi di ricerca presso l'Olivetti InkJet di Arnad (Ao).
Il dott. Paolo Olivero ha vinto una borsa post-doc presso il "Centre
for Quantum Computer Technology" dell'Università di Melbourne (Australia).
Floriana Fasolo e Paolo Olivero hanno conseguito il titolo di dottori
di ricerca in Fisica difendendo le seguenti tesi:
Floriana Fasolo: "Design, simulation and characterisation of a neutron
detector based on silicon carbide"
Paolo Olivero: "Study of electronic and optic properties of wide bandgap
materials (diamond and silicon carbide) by means of nuclear and x-ray
microprobes and VIS spectroscopic techniques".
Il giorno Venerdì 28 Novembre 2003, alle ore 14.30, si terrà presso l'aula Avogadro (3o piano edificio nuovo) la presentazione dell'attività di ricerca e sviluppo della Olivetti I-Jet S.p.A. di Arnad (Ao). Durante questo seminario, verranno presentate alcune proposte di stage e tesi.
Il gruppo di fisica dello stato solido ha organizzato in collaborazione con l'ambasciata italiana in Svezia ed il centro Italiano di Cultura a Stoccolma un workshop sulle applicazioni del diamante CVD.
Chiara Paolini ha conseguito il titolo di dottore di ricerca in Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali difendendo la tesi: "Microscopic and nanoscopic study of the electronic properties of diamond bulk and surface".
Giovedì 27 settembre Paolo Olivero, dottorando nel gruppo di Fisica dello Stato Solido, ha ricevuto il Premio Galluzzi per la Fisica, bandito dall'Università di Roma 3 per l'Anno Accademico 2000/2001. Il premio, intitolato alla memoria del Professore Fabrizio Galluzzi, bandito per le Università di tutta Italia, è indirizzato a due neolaureati, rispettivamente in Fisica ed in Ingegneria, che si siano particolarmente distinti nel loro lavoro di Tesi di Laurea e nel Curriculum di studi, e consiste in un premio di £ 4.000.000. Paolo si è laureato presso l'Università di Torino il 27 ottobre 2000 con la votazione di "110/110 Lode e Menzione Onorevole", presentando la Tesi intitolata "Spettroscopia Fotoacustica su Film di Carbonio Amorfo", relatore il Professor Claudio Manfredotti, in collaborazione con i professori F. Fizzotti ed E. Vittone del Gruppo e con il Politecnico di Torino, e sta proseguendo nel corso del triennio di Dottorato questo lavoro di ricerca.