
Under the guidance of Prof. Claudio Manfredotti, the Solid State Physics group of the University of Torino, Physics Department,started its activity in the early 1980s in the field of amorphous (a-Si:H) and crystalline (e.g. Si, CdTe) semiconductor materials, mainly for the fabrication of solar cells and ionization radiation detectors.
In the course of these three decades, the group has gradually extended its field of interest to the study of micro/nano-structured materials and devices and to the development of new experimental techniques for the characterization and modification of advanced materials and/or art objects.
Now, the group is working on the following main research topics:


22 October 2024, h.09.30

Sala Fubini, Dipartimento di Fisica, Torino
J. Garcia Lopez (CMA-Sevilla ES)
C. Donato (Herriot-Watt Univ. Edinburgh, UK)
Technological applications of Silicon Carbide

22 October 2024, h. 17.00

Aula Avogadro, Dipartimento di Fisica, Torino
Presentations of master degree dissertations

5 November 2024, h. 16.00

Aula Avogadro, Dipartimento di Fisica, Torino
Presentations of degree dissertations


17 october 2024
Alessandro Re and Paolo Olivero deliver two online lectures (respectively entitled "La fisica per l'arte: vedere l'invisibile" and "La fisica preziosa: diamanti artificiali") for the Academy of Science of Torino< in the framework of the "La Fisica dove meno te l'aspetti" public engagement initiative.
13 september 2024
The 3 years project "Development of a diamond-based TEMPerature qUantum sensor to evaluate the effect of RAdiation in brain cells " (TEMPURA) is selected by the he Italian Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) for funding with a budget of 139 keuro (local coordinator Federico Picollo) .
10 september 2024
The contribution entitled "Nanodiamonds Functionalized with Hyaluronic Acid-Phospholipids Conjugates: A Promising Platform for Cancer Cells Targeting and Tumor Treatment" presented by S. Sturari at the 34th International Conference on Diamond and Carbon Materials" is awarded with the ICDCM2024 Young Scholar Award.