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A.Gilioli, F. Pistone |
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L.P.Cesareo |
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L. Lopreiato, L. Matullo |
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L. Lopreiato, L. Matullo |
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S. Barale, S. Caria, A.B. Sergi, A. Di Maggio |
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L. Vigorelli, L. Sottili |
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R. Renzulli, M.Conti, M. Ragusa, L. Cotti, M. Tabarik |
| |||
h. 16.00 |
Introduction to Machine Learning
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h. 14.30 |
Petrological study of haniwa from the Kibi province: A challenge to unravel the Japanese prehistory
h. 17.00 |
Presentazione Tesi di Laurea | |||
h. 16.00 |
Room-Temperature Coherent Microwave Amplification | |||
h. 11.00 |
Presentazione Tesi di Laurea | |||
h. 14.00 |
"Misurazioni di quantita' di sostanza mediante Analisi per Attivazione Neutronica presso il laboratorio INRIM di Pavia" | |||
h. 14.00 |
Presentazione Tesi di Laurea | |||
h. 17.00 |
" Applicazioni di sensori cellulari in diamante artificiale per studi di radiobiologia" | |||
h. 15.00 |
Presentazione Tesi di Laurea | |||
h. 09.00 |
Presentazione Tesi di Laurea | |||
h. 17.30 |
"Self-assembling materials for nanoscale metrology"
| ||
h. 17.30 |
Solid State Physics Group, Physics Dept.
"Use of energetic ion beams for the engineering of quantum emitters in diamond"
| ||
h. 17.30 |
Solid State Physics Group, Physics Dept.
"The laser annealing technique for advanced semiconductor power devices"
| ||
h. 17.30 |
Solid State Physics Group, Physics Dept. The role of physical sciences in Provenance Studies, archaeometric study of amphorae assemblages from Red Sea Coast of Eritrea
| ||
h. 17.30 |
ITT Motion Technologies & Solid State Physics Group, Physics Dept. Application of Time-Temperature superposition principle in automotive noise issues
| ||
h. 17.30 |
Solid State Physics Group, Physics Dept. "Applying Metrology to Cultural Heritage: ditigal x-ray imaging tecniques and new perspectives"
| ||
h. 17.30 |
Solid State Physics Group, Physics Dept.
"Studying lapis lazuli from provenance issues to luminescence activators and quenchers"
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h. 17.30 |
Solid State Physics Group, Physics Dept.
Fluorescent nanodiamonds for optically trackable drug delivery
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h. 17.30 |
Solid State Physics Group, Physics Dept.
Probing the internal electric field in lithium niobate by nuclear microprobe
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h. 17.30 |
Group Materials Labs unit, Centro Ricerche FIAT
Automotive display and lighting: electro-optical assessment of multifunctional components
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h. 09.30 |
Presidente Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica
Il ruolo delle costanti fondamentali della fisica nella nuova definizione del Sistema Internazionale delle Unita' di misura
Date |
Room |
Speaker |
Title |
Host |
h. 14.00 |
Group Materials Labs unit, Centro Ricerche FIAT
Sustainable Materials for Future Mobility CRF- UNITO
| ||
h. 14.00 |
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
Toward 100% efficiency of photon extraction
from single silicon vacancies in diamond
| ||
h. 14.00 |
Center for Biomolecular Nanotechnologies, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
Multifunctional neural interfaces
combining optics, photonics and nanotechnology
| ||
h. 11.00 |
Stockolm University, Sweden
Tunable Josephson THz oscillators based on High-Temperature superconductors
| ||
h. 09.30 |
Electron Microscope Unit, Bio21 Institute, University of Melbourne, Australia
Characterisation of Ion Implanted Channels in
Diamond with Dual EELS
| ||
h. 11.00 |
Ulm University, Germany
Diamond microelectrodes: Theory, technology and biomedical applications
| ||
h. 11.00 |
Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Nanoscale BioPhotonics, RMIT University
Improved creation efficiency of nitrogen-vacancy
centre ensembles: processing and characterisation
of artificial diamond
| ||
h. 11.30 |
Leipzig University (D)
Ion Implantation Technologies for Fabrication of Quantum Systems
| ||
h. 11.45 |
L'Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRiM): presente e futuro dei "pesi e misure"
| ||
h. 11.00 |
Universita' di Trento
Thin sound absorbers based on space-coiling and coupled resonator mechanisms
| ||
h. 14.00 |
Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, Spain
Seminar on H2020: an evaluator perspective
Date |
Room |
Speaker |
Title |
Host |
h. 14.30 |
CEO & Founder - dotQuantum.io
Quantum Computing: Challenges & Opportunities
| ||
h. 14.00 |
Consejo Superior de Investigationes Cientificas - Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, Spain |
Characterization of materials at the nanoscale using hard X-ray microspectroscopy techniques | ||
h. 17.00 |
National Institute of Materials Physics, Magurele, Romania |
Assessment of MgB2 for different applications" | ||
h. 14.00 |
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), South Korea |
" Mechanics of 2D and 3D graphene ensembles and related composites under impacts and other extreme mechanical loads" | ||
h. 11.00 |
ISM-CNR, Area della Ricerca Roma 1 |
" Design of magnetic nano-architectures for applications in biomedicine and thermoelectricity" | ||
h. 15.00 |
Univ. of Firenze, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy European Lab. for Non-linear Spectroscopy (LENS) Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRiM) |
"Photonic arms, legs, and skin: walking up a human hair" |
Date |
Room |
Speaker |
Title |
Host |
h. 14.30 |
Applied Science and Technology Department, Politecnico di Torino |
"Resistive Switching and Memristive Phenomena in Nanostructured Materials" | ||
h. 15.15 |
Physics Department, University of Torino |
"X-ray nanopatterning for oxides" | ||
h. 14.30 |
Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro INFNy
"Radiobiologia delle radiazioni ionizzanti:
implicazioni per la radioprotezione e le applicazioni bio-mediche (radioterapia e radiodiagnostica)
| ||
h. 14.30 |
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
"Electrical excitation of color centers in diamond: the route to efficient single-photon sources"
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h. 14.00 |
School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences University of Technology, Sydney (AU)
"Spectroscopy in Flatland"
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h. 11.00 |
University of Technology, Sydney (AU)
"Cooperatively-enhanced atomic dipole forces in optically trapped nanodiamond containing NV centres in liquid"
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h. 10.00 |
RMIT University (AU)
"Optically detected magnetic field sensing in diamond"
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h. 15.30 |
RMIT University (AU)
"A triple ion beam system: what are the benefits of FIB milling with He, Ne or Ga ions"
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h. 14.00 |
RMIT University (AU)
"Diamond in tellurite glass, an emerging hybrid material for quantum devices"
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h. 15.00 |
RMIT University (AU)
"Strategies for global entangled states and distributed quantum protocols, or how quantum ships will make the world weirder"
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h. 15.00 |
Department of Electronics, Graduate School of Engineering, Gunma University (J)
Development of CVD diamond membrane ionized-radiation detector with embedded living-cell cultivation environment
| ||
h. 11.00 |
Laboratoire Ondes et Milieux Complexes, University of Le Havre, France
Control of the propagation of Lamb waves in a tunable piezoelectric phononic plate
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h. 11.00 |
Institute of Micro and Nanomaterials, Ulm University, Germany
Influence of grain boundaries on elastic and plastic properties of nanocrystalline diamond films
Date |
Room |
Speaker |
Title |
Host |
h. 12.00 |
Solid and Structural Mechanics Group, Department of Civil, Environmental & Mechanical Engineering, University of Trento
Self-oscillation of elastic systems
Prof. Bigoni will receive on November 14th the Modesto Panetti and Carlo Ferrari Award for applied mechanics from the Accademia delle Scienze di Torino
| ||
h. 17.00 |
School of Physics University of New Soth Wales Sydney, Australia
How to study quantum physics
with silicon nano-structures
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h. 11.00 |
Dipartimento di Fisica - Politecnico di Milano
3D diamond photonics enabled by femtosecond laser inscription
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h. 11.00 |
Institute for Quantum Optics University of Ulm Germany
Controlling nuclear spins in diamond at ambient conditions
Date |
Room |
Speaker |
Title |
Host |
h. 15.00 |
NanoMEGAS SPRL, Director Brussels (Belgium)
"Advanced TEM electron diffraction studies: from orientation/phase mapping to complex structure determination of nanocrystals" |
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h. 14.30 |
Quantum Transport Group, Dept. of quantum nanoscience, Delft University of Technology
"Optimized quantum sensing with adaptive measurements on a single solid-state spin" " |
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h. 14.30 |
ISTITUTO ITALIANO DI TECNOLOGIA (IIT) . Nanostructures - Neuro Technology
"Multifunctional biosensing with three-dimensional plasmonic nanoantennas" |
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h. 17.00 |
Artvin Coruh University (Turkey)
"Y2O3 Layered Melt Process YBCO and Characterization" |
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h. 11.00 |
University of Lille (Fr)
"Phoxonic crystals and optomechanical properties: interaction of photons and phonons" |
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h. 15.00 |
Department of Mechanical Engineering Eindhoven University of Technology Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Acoustic metamaterials with complicated material behavior |
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h. 11.30 |
DiNaMo project: Diamond Nano Modification |
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h. 16.00 |
L'Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRiM): una presentazione
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h. 14.00 |
University of Erlangen-N rnberg
Doping of high-Tc superconductors by carrier injection
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h. 15.00 |
Physics Department, University of Torino
Behaviour and Applications of Elastic Waves in Structures and Acoustic Metamaterials
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h. 14.00 |
Smart Materials Research Lab. Dept. of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee.
Multiferroic single phase and composite materials
Date |
Room |
Speaker |
Title |
Host |
h. 10.00 |
Universit Paris-Sud. Commissariat a' l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives
Design of an Ultra-compact Silicon Plasmonic Modulator for Optical Interconnections
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h. 10.00 |
Technological applications of artificial diamond
| ||
h. 14.00 |
Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Chimiche Universita' di Roma "Tor Vergata" |
CVD processes for growth and shaping of diamond films: new perspectives in nanotechnology and optical applications | ||
h. 14.00 |
Quantum Transport Group, Dept. of Quantum Nanoscience Delft University of Technology |
Manipulating a spin qubit by sequential adaptive partial measurements | ||
h. 14.00 |
Ecole Sup rieure de Physique et Chimie Industrielle (ESPCI) |
Nanoscale scanning probe magnetometer with a single NV center | ||
h. 09.30 |
Laboratorire Aim Cotton -CNRS, Universit Paris-Sud Ecole Normale Superioeure di Cachan |
Nanoscale imaging using color centers in diamond nanoparticles | ||
h. 15.30 |
Nanoscience Laboratory, Department of Physics, University of Trento |
"Erbium and silicon nanocrystals-based light emitting devices for lightwave circuits" | ||
h. 10.00 |
Institute of Semiconductors and Microsystems Technische Universit t Dresden (D) |
"micro-CHEMS - Towards Microchemomechanical Microfluidic Systems" |
Date |
Room |
Speaker |
Title |
Host |
h. 14.00 |
University of Strathclyde (UK) |
"Neurophotonic approaches to brain research" | ||
h. 11.00 |
Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A. Basovizza, Trieste |
"La microtomografia a raggi X presso il laboratorio Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste: applicazioni in ambito medicale e per la scienza dei materiali" | ||
h. 16.30 |
Institute for Scientific Interchange (ISI), Torino |
"Introduction to quantum versus stochastic processes on complex networks" | ||
h. 15.00 |
Institut N el e CNRS, Grenoble (F) |
Cellule neuronali: come esplorare i meccanismi alla base del loro sviluppo. | ||
h. 11.00 |
Ruder Boskovic Institute, Zagreb, Croatia |
X-Ray Spectroscopy at the RBI Tandem Accelerator Facility - developments and applications. | ||
h. 09.30 |
Advanced Applications in Scanning Probe Microscopy | |||
h. 10.00 |
Multifisica ed Elettromagnetismo Fluidodinamica e Meccanica Strutturale | |||
h. 14.30 |
National Institute of Materials Physics, Romania |
New approaches and challenges in nano structured advanced ceramics fabricated by Spark Plasma Sintering | ||
h. 14.30 |
University of California, Davis |
Nanostructures for Energy Applications | ||
h. 11.00 |
Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche e Chimiche Universita' dell'Aquila |
Graphene oxide : fundamentals and applications | ||
h. 10.00 |
Japan Atomic Energy Agency Quantum Beam Science Directorate |
Creation of Single Photon Centers in Diamond and SiC by Irradiation | ||
h. 11.00 |
Japan Atomic Energy Agency Quantum Beam Science Directorate |
Radiation Effects on Semiconductor Devices for Space Applications | ||
h. 14.00 |
Melbourne University |
Towards the quantum internet of the mid-21st C: Building quantum bits in silicon |
Date |
Room |
Speaker |
Title |
Host |
h. 14.00 |
Nanostructured Antibacterial Coatings | |||
h. 13.45 |
Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita' di Torino |
Bio-inspired strategies for the optimization of nano-material mechanical properties | ||
h. 09.00 |
via G. Quarello 11" |
h. 10.00 |
RUBION Laboratory, Ruhr Universtaet Bochum (D) |
Optical centres in diamond created by high resolution ion implantation for single photon sources and solid state qubit | ||
h. 14.00 |
Center for Molecular and Atomic Studies of Surfaces Vanderbilt University (USA) |
Coherent Acoustic Phonon Spectroscopy of Ion-Implanted Diamond | ||
h. 14.30 |
Physics Dept. and Solid State Institute Technion, Israel Institute of Technology (Israel) |
Diamond-based spintronics and nano-diamond research at Technion | ||
h. 14.00 |
Vishay Borgaro Torinese |
"Edge Terminations technology in power device" | ||
h. 14.00 |
INO - CNR Arcetri (Firenze) |
"Phase-shift interferometry methods and their applications from diamonds to thin liquid films" | ||
h. 10.00 |
Industrial Engineering Dept., University of Roma "Tor Vergata" |
Single crystal diamond based Schottky diodes: Application to radiation detection |
Date |
Room |
Speaker |
Title |
Host |
h. 14.30 |
Workshop held in honour of prof. Claudio Manfredotti, on the occasion of his 70 years |
h. 9.30 |
& New Technologies workshop |
Technological applications of artificial diamond New techniques for the modification and characterisation of advanced materials |
h. 14.00 |
Electron Microscope Unit, University of Melbourne, Australia |
STEM Study of the Fabrication Processes in Diamond | ||
h. 15.00 |
Ruhr-Universit t Bochum, Germany |
Single ion implantation and defect engineering in diamond | ||
h. 10.00 |
Dept. of Physics and Chemistry of Surfaces and Interfaces, FBK, Trento |
Investigation of the electronic properties of crystalline and disordered polycrystalline graphite | ||
h. 15.00 |
Dept. of Physics and Chemistry of Surfaces and Interfaces, FBK, Trento |
Functional materials and nanostructures: synthesis and characterization at PAMSE-FBK | ||
h. 14.00 |
Dept. of Physics, Stockholm University |
A novel membrane-based nanocalorimeter for studies in superconductivity | ||
h. 14.00 |
R&D Technologies Department Olivettii-Jet S.p.A. |
La tecnologia Bubble Ink Jet. |
h. 12.00 |
Universit Joseph Fourier N el Institute - CNRS, Grenoble (France) |
Electrical transport in diamond | ||
h. 10.45 |
Universit Joseph Fourier N el Institute - CNRS, Grenoble (France) |
Towards Quantum Nano Mechanics using Superconducting Diamond | ||
h. 9.30 |
Universit Joseph Fourier N el Institute - CNRS, Grenoble (France) |
Diamond related activities at Institute N el | ||
h. 14.00 |
prof. Marco Rubbo Dip. Scienze Mineralogiche e Petrologiche, Universita' di Torino |
L'importanza delle superfici nella crescita dei cristalli Presentation file |
h. 16.30 |
INRiM (Torino) |
production. . . towards the dream of a flatland |
h. 15.30 |
INRiM (Torino) |
Graphene: from pencil to Nobel prize, passing through QED | ||
h. 14.30 |
University of the South Wales (Australia) |
Fabrication of Optical Waveguides in Diamond | ||
h. 14.30 |
Section Photronic Devices (PD), Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft Institute of Technology (Netherlands) |
Novel Effects in Single Atom Transistors | ||
h. 14.30 |
University of Melbourne (Australia) |
Many Facets of Diamond | ||
h. 16.00 |
Via Giuria 7 |
Superconducting materials obtained by means of unconventional techniques; experimental and modelling. | ||
h. 15.00 |
Via Giuria 7 |
MgB2 synthesis by Microwave unconventional technique | ||
h. 11.00 |
Ruder Boskovic Institute Zagreb (Croatia) |
Rate of Vacancy Related Defects Produced by Focused Ion Beams in n-type Silicon Studied by DLTS and IBIC | ||
h. 16.00 |
Rappresentanti della societa' Altran |
Altran: Innovazione e Consulenza nel Mondo | ||
h. 14.00 |
Dr. Mauro Brignone Centro Ricerche FIAT |
Celle fotovoltaiche di nuova generazione: principi fondamentali e aspetti applicativi | ||
h. 14.50 |
Neuroscience Dept, Torino University and Institute of Electron Devices and Circuits (EBS), Ulm University (D) |
Nanocrystalline diamond microelectrode arrays deposited on sapphire for cellular amperometric signal detection | ||
h. 09.00 |
A colloquium on physical technologies applied to material science, medicine and cultural heritage | E. Vittone |
h. 14.00 |
Advanced Technologies Center M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia) |
Scanning probe microscopy with applications to biological objects |